Our mission is to improve the wellness of Southeast Missouri by offering the best natural products and wellness supplements, employing knowledgeable staff that care about customers, and supporting the local economy.
We aim to source our products locally and from small, independent producers. Many of our products come from certified B-corporations that create social good in addition to financial profit. Every dollar you spend with us is a small contribution to shaping a healthier, more sustainable world.
Everything from organic produce to frozen goods, fermented foods, bulk, drinks, snacks, and more! Think of it as a curated version of a typical supermarket focused on natural, organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, keto, and local.
We offer a daily selection of prepared foods ranging from chicken salad to lettuce salad to ready-to-bake gluten-free pizzas to protein balls and more.
Our supplements are from the best companies on the market with ingredients and formulations that you can trust. Come in and let us help you find the supplements you need to support your well-being.